Note: Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise regime
Pose type: Arm Balance
Name: Bakasana or Crow Pose
Great pose for All Levels
This posture stretches the hips and groin. It is a great posture to practice to relieve back pain, because it reduces stiffness in the lower back, and helps to create space in the hips.
Tones the abdominal wall
Improves Mental Focus
Stretches the chest and all of the muscles of the forearm, back, and inner thighs
Relieves pain in the Lower back
Opens the groin and psoas
Helps strengthen the wrist
Avoid if you are have a wrist or shoulder injury, heart problems, carpal tunnel syndrome or cerebral thrombosis.
To Access this Pose:
1. Starting from a low squat. Spread your fingers nice and wide (think of starfish) and place on the ground in front of you placing them in front of your knees.
Note: You may want to place a pillow in front of your just in case you have a fear of falling.
2. Squeeze your inner thighs against the sides of your torso, and your shins into your armpits as high as possible. Bend your elbows.
Note: You may place your feet on blocks to help you gain extra inches onto your armpits.
3. Raise your glutes up while lifting up onto the balls of your feet and lean forward, taking the weight of your torso onto the back of the upper arms until you can lift one foot off the ground.
4. Keep your gaze forward and lift the other foot of the ground.
5. Remember to breathe and try to hold this pose as long as possible.
Beginner Tips:
Worry less about straightening your arms. Keep your arms bent as much as needed and think about using your triceps as a table for your knees. Try lifting one foot up at a time.
Intermediate Tips:
Focus on pulling your knees into your armpits and straightening your arms. Engage through your core completely and use abdominal strength to pull knees higher and the heels closer to your tailbone.
Advanced Tips:
Engage the abdominal wall and broaden through the back. Find additional strength to begin to pull the knees off the back of the triceps and hover the body without knee support. Exit into Chaturanga
Related Reading:
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About the Author:
Kenya Marsh is the founder of SimplyFitandCurvyYoga and Author of several books including Yoga for Beginners: A Great Way to Start. As a wife, stay-at-home mom of two, and yoga teacher. Kenya knows how challenging and beneficial a steady yoga practice can be. She understands it can be hard to start a new yoga journey alone. She created this website, along with courses, books, and more materials to help provide support to busy yogis elevate their yoga practice.