Kenya M. CYT-500

Oct 10, 20193 min

How to overcome these 5 Limited beliefs holding your back

A lot of times we block ourselves for reaching our true potential by holding on to our limiting beliefs and don't even realize it. Are you ready to remove those beliefs?

In this Post I will talk about:

  • What is limiting beliefs?

  • Where do they come from?

  • Examples of Limited Beliefs?

  • How to overcome them

What is limiting beliefs?

Limited beliefs are thoughts that we believe to be true that puts a limit on ourselves, self-identity or others.

Often at times when we think of our health, finances, trying something new, dating, spending and more. We tend to convince ourselves that we are not worthy or talk ourselves out of any type of pursuit.

Where do limiting beliefs come from?

Our limiting beliefs come from our life experiences. When you think back to your childhood memories what do you remember? Can you go back to a time where it was something someone told you that you could never forget? Did you have time when you believed in something but I loved one talked you out of it? Was there a time when you had big dreams but lost the urge to pursue because you were focused on all of the things that would go wrong?

Especially, if you heard the same thing over and over again. Things like "You are too big to do that", or "You are not smart enough", "You need some meat on your bones","You are too fat to be wearing that", "You will grow up to be nothing just like so and so..." and much other negative advice from those you loved.

Our culture beliefs and what we were taught as kids carry over into our adulthood. Those thoughts that we hold on to effects us as to how we few ourselves internally. On the surface, you may be hiding behind that smile but inside your inner child still, believe in those negative words.

Examples of Limiting Beliefs and how to overcome them

Business and Fiances:

limited belief: I will never get enough clients to stay in business

Empowering Belief: I have plenty of clients who love my products

Limited Belief: Why would anyone want my products/services

Empowering belief: My products and services are for my unique =/ideal audience

Limited Belief: I will never make enough money

Empowering Belief: I am full of abundance

Fitness and Health

Limited Belief: I am not strong enough

Empowering Belief: I am strong and get stronger every day

Limited Belief: I am not flexible enough to do yoga

Empowering Belief: I am perfect to do yoga

Limited Belief: Eating healthy is too expensive

Empowering Belief: Eating healthy is worth my happiness

About yourself:

Limited belief: I am not worthy

Positive belief: I am worthy

Limited Belief: I don't deserve love

Empowering Belief: I am loved

Limited Belief: I don't have what it takes

Empowering Belief: I have what it takes


Stop using and thinking negative words such as can't, don't, won't, not, etc. Instead, switch it around and use more powerful words such as Can, Am, Will,

Expose your limiting beliefs by writing probing questions to help you get to the root cause of your beliefs. example: I am not able to travel because.....or I would love to make more money but...

Questions to ask your self when you come across a limited beliefs

Is this belief true?

Why do I believe this?

What is the opposite way of thing to this belief?

Write this down in your journal and repeat something positive. This won't happen overnight but if you practice this exercise for the next 30 days you will notice and feel a difference?

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Need a Mindset Coach to help you discover and unlock your limiting beliefs?

Click Here to find out how you can work with me.
